搜狐 ChinaRen 17173 焦点房地产 搜狗
搜狐上海 > 时尚都市-搜狐上海站 > 摩登时代 > 海派腔调


  “Extreme games”

  An exhibition of experimental images in contemporary art


  Dates : April 5 to 29

  展览时间:2008.4.5 – 2008.4.29

  Location : WAREHOUSE Changping road n. 78 Shanghai



  Featuring: ZHENG Duanxiang, GAO Shiqiang, QIU Shimin, YIN Junmin, ZHOU Lei




  “ West lake ” YUAN Jinhua paper works exhibition


  Dates : April 5 to 20

  展览时间:2008.4.5 – 2008.4.20

  Location : WAREHOUSE Changping road n. 78 Shanghai


  Yuan presents the calmness of nature (mountains, rivers, waterfalls etc.) in a series of works inspired by its beauty and mystery. On Chinese rice paper, he associates the traditional technique of ink with acrylic, giving his small-scale works (45x45cm) a strength coming from the ancestral of modern techniques and theme. Giving the viewer a feeling of eternal beauty and peace.

  圆的解码 – 西湖边系列作品

  When comparing the boundaries of a circular and rectangular shape of the same perimeters, the circle will appear to have a larger acreage. Although this judgment comes from our sensory organs going against factual science, it still has validity.

  These are principles shared in painting and photography. A circular composition gives the impression of an object in motion while reducing the scale of the image to the human eye. This misconception has established the predominance of the circular in romantic motifs, such as the round mirror in a mistress’ bedroom


  The battle between the rectangular and circular continues to this day. Once a time, we filled our bookshelf with rectangular books to satisfy our appetite for information. Nowadays, we have come to rely on the CD and High definition screens to deposit and transfer the knowledge we need.


  Recent engagements of the artist contain 30 circular pieces. This exhibition contains a series of abstract documentary ink works.


  When the “1985 new art wave” raised an art upsurge all over China, Yuan Jinhua was studying as an undergraduate in traditional Chinese painting. Academics of that generation were concentrated in foreign culture; these concepts of modern art had a strong influence on their progression. As a result, the past can no longer compare with these extensive influences in current standards. Understanding these series of events is paramount in comprehending the state of contemporary ink and wash paintings.


  Therefore, I cannot define his artistic style using words.


  In his use of line and ink, the narrative function brings calmness on the verge of indifference, releasing the burden of plot. When used as an outline for romance, it reveals a superior and instantaneous feeling. The subject is flexible in opening, closing, expanding and contracting.



  Mo-tse said "circular and linear at the same time." (“MoJing”) There are equalizations of opportunities from around the screen to the center of the circular. A round shape can be from any corner of the composition as well as from the perspective of a conceptual view. The practice of equality is for both the author and audience. (Mahayana teachings)


  However, the exhibition is still working to resettle the circular box. Suggesting at least for the present, painting is still conscious in the habit of powerful hands.




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热点标签:奥运 珠峰 福娃 母亲节 印花税 火炬 日本 赵薇 外遇 股票 金晶 陈冠希 谢霆锋 CNN 中国足球 张柏芝 姚明

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